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Elastic Bandages, Ace Wrap, and More

Elastic Bandages and Ace Bandage Wraps
Elastic bandages, also known as ACE bandages, can be used to wrap and secure a variety of injuries. E-First Aid Supplies provides elastic bandages and bandage wraps, sold in packages of ten, which include metal or plastic stretch clips to keep them securely in place. Stretch bandages are particularly useful for joint injuries as they can be adjusted for pressure and mold to the injured areas. They are great for wrapping injuries on ankles, wrists, and knees. Ace wrap and other elastic bandages can also be used to hold medical supplies like hot and cold packs against an injury. In addition to cohesive elastic bandages, E-First Aid Supplies also offers a variety of general and specialty bandages.

  • Selection: E-First Aid Supplies has elastic bandages in a variety of widths and lengths to better fit your specific ailment. Each Ace bandage can be clipped in place by either plastic bandages or metal fasteners.
  • Value: An elastic bandage can be used multiple times in multiple areas of the body due to its changeability. E-First Aid Supplies elastic bandages come in packs of ten to ensure that you are stocked for any injury that requires a bandage.
  • Quality: Ace bandages must be able to stretch and form to the inflicted area. Because elastic bandages are used repeatedly, E-First Aid Supplies only offers the highest quality elastic bandages for the support of your injuries.
An Ace bandage wrap is a key part of the joint healing process. E-First Aid Supplies’ elastic bandages are a perfect addition to any first aid kit. We offer them in a range of widths from two to six inches so you can be prepared to address minor to major injuries.

What is an Elastic Bandage or Bandage Wrap For?
Elastic bandages or bandage wraps are great to use as compression for RICE treatment. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, and is a common first aid practice in treating bruises and sprains. The pressure of the bandage helps to reduce swelling while it is wrapped around a sprain, bruise, or strain. Triangular bandages are also useful in providing support and immobilization for injuries, such as slings for arm injuries. Fabric bandages, on the other hand, are ideal for covering and protecting minor cuts and abrasions. Because elastic bandages help to limit swelling, they are great at helping the injured area feel better. They are especially effective when used the first few days after an injury.

How to Wrap an Elastic Bandage
Elastic bandages come in multiple lengths and sizes to be used for different applications. Most elastic bandages come in a roll with metal clips to secure the bandage in place. Elastic bandages help to provide support and reduce swelling of an injured limb.
Using an elastic bandage wrap is easy and can be applied to an injury from the comfort of your home. Follow the below steps to secure an injury with an elastic bandage.
  • When starting to wrap a limb, have the beginning of the elastic bandage roll facing up. Start by wrapping the bandage around the affected area twice. Make sure to leave your fingers and toes exposed when wrapping.
  • Once wrapped around the affected area twice, change the wrapping direction to create a figure-eight pattern with the bandage. The figure-eight pattern will secure the injury by helping to limit its movement. Continue with this motion until you have used most of the bandage.
  • Next, fasten the metal clip to the fabric to secure the bandage in place. Do not wrap the bandage so tight that it cuts off blood flow. If the injury gets worse, you may need to seek professional medical help.