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Cohesive Elastic Bandages

What are Cohesive Elastic Bandages?

Cohesive elastic bandages made from elastic and a layer of self-adhering acrylic. They are designed to provide pressure, support, and comfort to wounds and injuries.

Are Cohesive Bandages Reusable?

Cohesive bandages can be reused, but the adhesive will wear off, making the bandage useless. Reusing the bandage can also cause infection to wounds. If the bandage is supporting a sprain or strain, then you can reuse it until the adhesive fails. If you’re covering a wound, do not reuse it.

How Often Should You Change Bandages?

Every 1-2 days depending on bleeding and exposure. If you’ve wrapped a lightly bleeding wound and stay inside, you could go for two days. If the wound is bleeding at a medium level, or you are exposing the fabric bandages to dirt, mud, etc., change it every day.

What do Cohesive Bandages Do?

Cohesive bandages are made with elastic so they can provide consistent pressure to a wound or injury. They are self-adhering so you can (re)apply and remove the bandage without irritating the skin.

Should They be Used Directly on a Wound?

No. These bandages are non-sterile and can harbor infectious microorganisms. They are also not designed to absorb much blood or fluid from the wound. Use cohesive bandages to keep a dressing like gauze secured to a wound while also applying pressure.