Showing 5 Result(s)
burned blistered hands

How Long Will a Burn Blister on a Finger Last?

A burn blister on a finger can be a painful and inconvenient ailment. It often raises questions about its duration and healing process, the main one being, “How long will a burn blister on a finger last?” Various factors influence the length of time a burn blister will last on a finger, including the severity …

a hand with severe hives

How To Treat Hives

Although hives typically disappear on their own within a few hours or days, they can cause discomfort and affect your quality of life. Check out this short guide on how to treat hives.   If you’re looking for ways to get rid of hives, there are several treatment options available. In this article, we’ll explore …

why does sunburnt skin peel-01

Why Does Sunburned Skin Peel?

Sunburn is a common occurrence in many parts of the world – often against our best intentions – and we can soon find ourselves out in the sun for too long and then feeling the effects later on in the day. However, there have never been so many resources to keep us informed and up …

chemical burn on hand

First Aid for Chemical Burns

Why Should You Know This? Chemical burns are not limited to laboratories. Plenty of household cleaning supplies can cause serious burns, and in certain countries acid attacks have become a common means of assault. Household Chemicals to Be Cautious Around Drain cleaner Bleach and ammonia cleaners Mold and mildew cleaners Furniture polishes Laundry Detergents Toilet …