Showing 18 Result(s)
icyhot or biofreeze for sorness

Biofreeze vs. IcyHot

Finding effective relief when pain strikes is essential for maintaining our daily activities and overall well-being. Two popular over-the-counter topical pain relief products, Biofreeze and IcyHot, have gained significant attention for alleviating muscle and joint pain. While both products aim to provide relief, they differ in several ways, including their active ingredients, mechanisms of action, …

How to Use a SAM Splint

The SAM Splint—short for “Structural Aluminum Malleable” Splint—is a versatile and valuable tool in medicine and emergency care known for being a flexible and moldable device used to immobilize and support injured limbs or body parts. It’s easy to use and provides effective temporary stabilization for fractures, sprains, and other musculoskeletal injuries.  What is a SAM …

Lacerations vs. Abrasions

In our day-to-day lives, we often encounter various minor injuries, and two common types that many of us have experienced are lacerations and abrasions. While these terms sound technical, they refer to different types of injuries to our skin. Let’s delve into what lacerations and abrasions are, how they differ, and how to treat and …

butterfly bandages vs stitches

Butterfly Bandages vs. Stitches

Unfortunately, we’re all prone to accidents. Whether you’ve experienced minor or significant incidents—such as accidentally stepping on glass shards, cutting into an avocado the wrong way, or running into trouble with home tools—proper wound care is essential to prevent infections so you can heal faster. One crucial decision in caring for an injury is choosing …