Showing 30 Result(s)

Can I Use Ice Packs to Treat Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a common and often painful condition that can affect individuals of all ages. While various treatment options are available, using ice packs is a non-invasive method that can relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids. What Are Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectal and anal area. There are two types: internal hemorrhoids, …

a girl with a fever laying in bed with tissues

Can Ice Packs Help Relieve a Fever?

Using ice packs for a fever is a topic that has generated some debate in the medical community, and the appropriateness of this method can depend on the individual, the underlying cause of the fever, and their overall health.  To thoroughly explore this topic, it’s essential to understand what a fever is, why it occurs, …

Why First Aid Training is Important for Coaches

Sports and recreational activities are integral to our lives, providing numerous benefits ranging from physical fitness to mental well-being. Behind the scenes of these activities are coaches who guide and inspire participants to achieve their goals, develop skills, and foster a sense of camaraderie. While coaches are primarily known for their expertise in training and …

Lacerations vs. Abrasions

In our day-to-day lives, we often encounter various minor injuries, and two common types that many of us have experienced are lacerations and abrasions. While these terms sound technical, they refer to different types of injuries to our skin. Let’s delve into what lacerations and abrasions are, how they differ, and how to treat and …

Girl Covering her eye with a flower hiding her stye on her eye.

What’s the Treatment for a Stye on the Eye?

A stye is a common eye condition affecting the upper and lower eyelids. While usually harmless, a stye on the eye can be uncomfortable, bothersome, and embarrassing. But there’s nothing to be ashamed of because styes can and do happen to everyone. The good news is that it’s often easily treatable with proper care and …