How to Start Preparing for Emergency Situations

The Apocalypse, or the end of the world as we know it has become a very popular topic lately. With TV shows, websites and groups devoted to living a life of preparedness and being self sufficient, more and more people are beginning to prioritize being more prepared. TV shows like Doomsday Preppers have shown us how extensively prepared some people have become, but you don’t need to build a bunker in Wyoming to begin preparing for emergency situations, you can quickly and easily get started preparing for catastrophic events happening locally, federally or globally.

While experts generally believe that the possibilities of many of these scenarios are remote, there are people preparing for economic collapse, EMPs, Nuclear war, floods and super volcanoes. On the popular TV show Doomsday Preppers, there are the individuals who are devoting their entire life to preparing to survive the end of the world as we know it and to thrive in the post collapse scenario. But do you really need to go to this extreme to be ready for the unexpected? There are many less drastic ways to prepare and have the peace of mind that you will be protected from danger and injury.

By starting with a list of possible scenarios, you can begin to think about the likelihood of each actually happening. You are much more likely to have a flat tire on a deserted road in the winter than you are to need to survive a chemical warfare attack from a rogue nation, so you should put more thought, effort and money into preparing for the more likely problems. Begin thinking about how you live your life and emergencies that could arise that you will need to respond to, these could include storms, power outages or floods. The majority of disasters are localized and require you to be self-sufficient for around 72 hours until relief can reach you.Flooding Emergency Preparedness

Having extra blankets, a few snacks and jumper cables in your car is a good way to start preparing. A pragmatic approach to solving the most likely problems will help you to save time and money while still offering peace of mind. If you are prepared for nuclear war, but don’t have a shovel to dig yourself out of a snowdrift when you slide off the road in a snowstorm, are you really prepared?

After you have assessed your most likely emergency situations, you should begin to prepare for them each as time and money allows, buying items as you can afford them and then moving on to the next likely scenario.

Car Stuck in Snow

A large part of being prepared is having a first aid kit available. It is recommended that you have one for your home as well as each of your vehicles. Access to comprehensive first aid kits can often save discomfort, more serious injury and even death. You never know when the need for a kit will arise, whether it is in an ordinary situation or during the apocalypse, so having one that is accessible will improve your chances of being able to treat an injury.

First aid kits for the end of the world will vary based on the types of situations that you might encounter. Since medical help will likely be non-existent, you will want to have the most comprehensive kit that you can. Looking at the Portable Hospital or an advanced EMT kit for a home-based first aid kit will make sense. Another option to consider for a first aid kit for the end of the world would be a Trans-Ocean Kit. It is one of our most comprehensive kits and designed to be self-contained; meaning that no outside help will be available. This will help you to survive when there are no other medical services available.

Just remember, preparing for emergencies is always a good idea, and having a first aid kit on hand is just a part of being able to be self-reliant and ready to take on the world. By beginning to think about being ready today, you can be much better off tomorrow, whether that is the apocalypse or running out of gas in your car.