Covered Or Uncovered – Which Is Best For Healing Wounds?

If you find yourself with an open wound, you may be wondering whether you should leave it uncovered or cover it with a bandage or some gauze.

It can be very stressful to know how to treat a wound, as doing the wrong thing can prolong the problem and slow down the healing process! 

You’ve come to the right place if you’ve been asking yourself these questions. We’ve compiled an ultimate guide to treating wounds to promote healing.

Read on to find out whether you should leave your wound covered or uncovered! Let’s dive in.

Should You Bandage A Cut Or Leave It Uncovered?

In most cases, it is not beneficial to air out your wounds because they need moisture to heal. If you leave a wound uncovered, this can dry out the cells on the surface, slowing down the healing process. 

Most wound coverings will promote wound healing because they provide a moist wound surface. Usually, if you have an open wound, it is recommended that you apply an antibiotic cream or ointment to clean the cut, and then cover it using a bandage or gauze. 

Doing this will ensure that your new skin cells stay alive, promoting healing. As well as this, it will help to protect the area from germs and dirt, which the wound would not be protected from if it is left open. 

There are some exceptions to this, though, and not all wounds need to be covered. If you have minor cuts and scrapes, then these will be fine to leave uncovered. If you have any pressure ulcers on your heels, these can be left open to dry out.

If you have any concerns about a wound, you should contact a doctor to get it checked out. If you think the wound is not healing or it may be infected, it is a good idea to seek help.

How To Treat An Open Wound

If you suffer from open wounds, you must do the right thing to promote healing. Follow the steps below to treat an open wound: 

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean water before you start treating the wound
  2. Remove any clothing and jewelry from the area near the wound
  3. Apply pressure to the wound to stop it from bleeding
  4. Examine the wound for any dirt or foreign objects
  5. Apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent any infection
  6. Dry the wound with a clean cloth
  7. Apply a bandage, band-aid or gauze to the wound

After you have covered the wound, you should make sure to check it every 24 hours. Remove the bandages at this time and check the wound for any signs of change or infection.

Then, follow the steps above again to cover the wound. You should never dress the wound if you cannot clean it, as this can trap the bacteria underneath it and cause further infection. 

How Can You Make A Wound Heal Faster?

Covered Or Uncovered - Which Is Best For Healing Wounds

If you are hoping to speed up the healing process of your wound, the following are some great methods for making sure your wounds heal quickly.

Antibacterial Ointment 

You can treat a wound using lots of different over-the-counter ointments. These ointments can prevent infections and help a wound heal much more quickly.

Antibacterial ointments are perfect for minor wounds to prevent infection. 

Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera is rich in minerals and vitamins, and it comes from an Aloe plant. It contains glucomannan which promotes collagen production and regeneration. This substance promotes wound healing. 

Evidence suggests that aloe vera is effective for wound healing as it helps to keep the skin moist and it eases inflammation of the skin. 

To use aloe vera gel effectively you can apply a thin layer to the area where the wound is. If you want to apply it differently, you can dress the wound in a bandage that is soaked in aloe vera gel.


Honey is a great product that has anti-inflammatory properties. It is antibacterial, meaning it is used in wound healing. 

Research has shown that honey can reduce the formation of scars and stop any bacterial growth in wounds.

Honey should not be used for post-operative wounds, but it is great when used on minor and major wounds.

Turmeric Paste 

Turmeric comes from the turmeric plant. It is a spice that contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Turmeric is very effective when it comes to healing wounds quickly. It increases the production of collagen on the wound site, helping the healing process.

It is possible to mix turmeric with warm water to make a paste that can be applied to the wound. Then, you would need to cover the wound with a bandage to protect the site.

If you are considering using turmeric to treat a wound, it is a good idea to discuss this with your doctor.


Garlic has many different anti-inflammatory properties. It has been found that if an ointment containing garlic is used on a wound, it will help the wound to heal faster.

You can add garlic to your existing ointment, or purchase an ointment that contains garlic.

Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil may promote wound healing as it has a high concentration of monolaurin. This is a fatty acid that is known for having antimicrobial effects.

If you are choosing to use coconut oil to help to treat a wound, you should ensure that you are using high-quality coconut oil. This will help to reduce the risk of infection.

When Should You Contact A Doctor?

In most instances, you can treat minor wounds at home. However, in some cases, these wounds will need medical attention. If you experience any of the following problems, you should seek medical attention! 

  • A deep wound that will not stay closed 
  • A wound that is dirty or full of debris that you can’t remove yourself 
  • A wound that continues to bleed, even after you have applied pressure
  • A wound that was caused by an animal bite

If you have any indications that your wound has become infected, you should speak to a doctor as soon as possible.

For instance, if the wound is warm or you are experiencing fever and chills, vomiting, or nausea, you may need some extra medical attention.

If your wound is infected, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the wound. If you are given antibiotics, you should complete the entire course, even if the symptoms are no longer present. This will ensure that the infection is completely gone.

Final Thoughts 

So, there you have it! If you’re wondering whether leaving your wounds covered or uncovered is best for healing, you should now have all the information you need. In most cases, covering the wound is best for healing. 

There are a few instances where this is not the case. If your wound is very shallow, then it will likely not need to be covered.

After reading this article, you should have all the information you need to promote fast healing.