5 Most Common Summer Injuries

Summer is here, and that means that everyone is ready to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. While summer is the best time to be outside and active, it is also the most common time for injuries. Here are 5 of the most common summer injuries.5 Most Common Summer Injuries

1. Sunburn

Sunburn happens to anyone who has been over exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Sunburns can range from irritating to dangerous, and need to be prevented. Quality sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays is important because this offers lasting protection that will decrease the risk of skin cancer over the longterm. If you do get a sunburn, it can be treated by avoiding sun contact and applying lotion or an oral pain reliever

2. Dehydration

Dehydration is when the body does not have enough water and it can happen easier than most people think. it is recommended that everyone drinks 64 ounces of water per day, and more when you are active. When the temperatures rise, then your body will loose more water as you sweat and your body tries to stay cool. Each person needs a different amount of water during exercise, so always be sure to have enough water available when you need it.

3. BBQ Mishaps

Grilling is a quintessential part of summer, but grills can be inherently dangerous. When using a gas grill be sure to open it before lighting and to only use it at a safe distance from the house or the garage. Gas grills should never be used inside because this can cause fires. When lighting the grill, be sure to keep your face away, as sometimes it can singe eyebrows!

4. Trampoline Falls

Falling off of trampolines can result in broken bones and sprains or even head injuries. Children will inevitably find themselves on a trampoline at some point over the summer, so they need to learn how to jump safely. One person should be on the trampoline at a time, and trampolines should be equipped with sides. Learning to use the trampoline safely is important to avoiding broken bones from falls.

5. Bicycles Accidents

Bicycles can be dangerous because they are easy to fall off of and are often used on the road where you have to contend with cars. Scrapped and skinned knees, as well as road rash are common from bicycle falls. These are minor and the most common ways that someone will get hurt on a bicycle. Thankfully, accidents involving cars are much less common, but it is always important to be careful anyways.