Showing 2 Result(s)

Why Are Your Hands Numb And Tingling At Night?

Numbness and tingling in hands at night is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. It can be a result of various factors, such as poor sleeping positions, nerve compression, or underlying health conditions.  The sensation of numbness and tingling can cause discomfort and interfere with sleep quality, leading to fatigue and …

woman with dislocated shoulder getting help from coworker.

First Aid For a Shoulder Dislocation

What Is a Dislocation? A dislocation is when a joint, most often the shoulder or knee, is moved out of its normal position. A dislocation is different from a fracture because there is no bone damage, only tendon and muscle damage. This can be caused by direct impact or hyperextension. Dislocations are common in sports, …