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injured knee needs cold pack

How to Use Ice Packs to Treat Injuries

Heat and cold packs are great medicine-free pain relief tools that are easily available and even easier to use. Simply activate the instant cold packs or place the reusable ones in the freezer, wrap the pack in a cloth, and apply it to the affected area for around 20 minutes. Cold compresses are typically used …

fainted woman lying down outside

First Aid for Fainting

How to Help Someone Who Has Fainted Lie them on their back. If they are actively fainting or seem like they are about to faint, help them to the ground. They should either lie on their back or sit on the ground with their head between their knees. If the person faints and sustains an …

In the snow with exposed hands

First Aid for Hypothermia

What Is Hypothermia? Hypothermia is caused by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, causing internal body temperature to drop below 95 degrees Fahrenheit or 45 degrees Celsius. Age, medication, and medical condition can severely limit a person’s ability to gauge the cold and as such, can make developing hypothermia easier. Administering first aid for someone with …

First Aid for Electric Shock

Electrocution can happen any time a current passes through the body A victim of electric shock may suffer from a small zap or in severe cases be as dangerous as cardiac arrest, depending upon the voltage. The most dangerous forms of electrocution are a result of high voltage like electricity from lightning strikes or power …