Showing 16 Result(s)

What Should Be in a First Aid Kit?

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to have an accessible, well-stocked first aid kit that you can pull out anytime. Not only are they fantastic for minor accidents, but they can also be life-savers in an emergency. If you’re experiencing a medical crisis, your first aid kit can help stabilize your issues …

Can A First Aid Kit Expire?

Many people don’t realize that first aid kits can expire and that it’s always essential to keep up to date with the supplies inside them. While some components will last for longer periods of time, other items need to be replaced as they can’t be used after their expiration date. In this article, we’ll teach …

Vaseline on your burns

Can You Put Vaseline On Burns?

Many people have different ideas on treating a burn and what methods will work. However, one of the most popular questions is whether you should put Vaseline on an injury like this. If you’re worried about a burn and treating it, we will cover what Vaseline is, whether you should put it on your wound, …

How To Speed Up Wound Healing

A wound can really be annoying and debilitating, it can easily get in the way of your everyday life and a lot of the time you may just want it to go away quickly. We rarely plan to get injured, so injuries and wounds can also get in the way of our plans, maybe you …

What Medication Should Be In My First Aid Kit?

When it comes to dealing with minor injuries or medical emergencies, having a well-stocked first aid kit is essential. While bandages and other similar medical supplies are commonly included, many people often overlook the importance of including essential medications in their first aid kits.  However, knowing what these essential medications are is not always straightforward. …