How to Lose Weight and Be Healthy in 2015

Welcome to 2015! It is a new year and time for resolutions. Is yours to lose weight in 2015? Here are a few tips to help you reach your fitness goals and shed a few of those extra holiday pounds:

Write down what you eat for a week

Loos Weight in 2015

If you write down what you eat every day for a whole week, it helps you to stop and think about the choices that you are making and what you are putting into your body. By being more careful about your calorie intake and the balance of your diet, you will start to cultivate healthier eating habits and drop a few pounds during that week.

Have juice or Coffee for breakfast, but after that stick with water

Your body needs lots of water and you should strive to drink 64 ounces per day. By drinking water throughout your day, you will be healthier and also suppress appetite. Often times when you might feel hungry, you could actually be felling thirsty. Anytime you feel hungry, try having a glass of water first and seeing if this helps you to feel more full.

Walk 45 Minutes a day

It is recommended for everyone to walk 30 minutes per day to maintain heart health and weight. If you can up this to 45 minutes per day without increasing your caloric intake, you will be able to shed a few of those extra pounds. It doesn’t have to be specifically exercise, but it can be other activities that include walking such as shopping at a mall or walking around at your kid’s soccer game. Just be sure that the activity is of moderate aerobic difficulty for heart benefits.

Avoid Late Night Eating

Your body must metabolize all the food you eat, and the metabolism works slower when you are sleeping. By avoiding eating anything in the few hours leading up to bedtime, you will avoid those extra calories that you don’t need and that your body will have a hard time metabolizing.

Eat 90% of your meals at your house

Eating at home is always much more healthy then going out, since you have more choices about the types of foods, the way that they are prepared and the portions that you take. Restaurants tend to prepare food in ways that most people think will taste the best, which is not always the healthiest. Chefs tend to cook things in butter and to add lard or other fats. You can cook using healthier alternatives at home such as olive oil or margarine. Also in restaurants, the portions are often larger than one person needs, but most people tend to try and eat everything on their plate anyway. This leads to overeating that you will regret later.


If you can follow a few of these tips, you will be able to keep your new years resolution this year. Congratulations on working to better yourself and lose weight in 2015. Good Luck!