theracare eye drops usage

Is TheraTears Safe for Contacts?

Contact lenses have revolutionized vision correction, providing a convenient and often more comfortable alternative to traditional eyeglasses. However, contact lens wearers frequently encounter eye dryness and discomfort challenges.

Many individuals turn to artificial tears and lubricating eye drops to alleviate these issues, with one popular choice being TheraTears. This article explores the safety and effectiveness of using TheraTears with contact lenses while addressing common dry eye problems faced by contact lens wearers.

Understanding TheraTears

TheraTears is a brand of artificial tears, and eye drops crafted to relieve dry eyes and discomfort. It is available in various formulations, including preservative-free and single-use vials. TheraTears products are acclaimed for their unique composition, which includes electrolytes and essential nutrients, replicating the natural tear film and offering prolonged relief to dry eyes.

Dry Eye Issues and How TheraTears Can Help

Contact lens wearers often encounter common dry eye problems, which TheraTears can effectively address:

  • Increased Evaporation: Wearing contact lenses can lead to heightened tear evaporation due to reduced blinking, resulting in dryness and discomfort.
  • Decreased Tear Production: Certain contact lens materials or extended wear can contribute to reduced tear production, leading to dry eye symptoms.
  • Lens-Induced Dry Eye: Contact lenses can disrupt the natural tear film, causing lens-induced dry eye, characterized by redness, discomfort, and blurred vision.

TheraTears Solutions for Contact Lens Wearers

TheraTears offers unique solutions to tackle these specific dry eye challenges:

  • Preservative-Free Formulation: TheraTears provides a preservative-free version of their eye drops, a preferred choice for contact lens wearers. Some eye drops contain preservatives that may interact with contact lenses, potentially causing discomfort or irritation. Opting for the preservative-free variant minimizes this risk.
  • Extended Relief: TheraTears’ advanced formulation delivers comprehensive relief by stabilizing the tear film and reducing tear evaporation. This feature is especially valuable for contact lens wearers, as it helps maintain a comfortable and moist environment beneath the lenses.
  • Reduced Lens-Induced Dry Eye: TheraTears’ ability to emulate the composition of natural tears minimizes the risk of lens-induced dry eye. Applying TheraTears before inserting or after removing contact lenses can enhance lens comfort and alleviate discomfort associated with lens wear.
  • Promotes Comfortable Lens Wear: Extended contact lens wear can lead to lens discomfort. TheraTears’ lubricating properties make it an excellent choice for those who wear lenses throughout the day, helping to keep the eyes comfortable and minimize dryness-related lens discomfort.

Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount for contact lens wearers when using eye drops like TheraTears. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Preservative-Free Formulation: TheraTears offers a preservative-free version of their eye drops, typically recommended for contact lens wearers. Preservatives in certain eye drops can interact with contact lenses, leading to discomfort or irritation. Choosing the preservative-free option mitigates this risk.
  • Compatibility Testing: TheraTears has undergone compatibility testing with various types of contact lenses. These tests ensure that the eye drops do not compromise the lenses’ integrity or trigger adverse reactions when used together. The compatibility of TheraTears with contact lenses is reassuring for users.
  • Minimal Disruption: TheraTears is meticulously formulated to emulate natural tears, minimizing the potential for irritation upon application. This similarity to natural tears reduces the likelihood of discomfort or complications when used with contact lenses.
  • Provider Recommendations: Ophthalmologists and optometrists often endorse TheraTears for patients wearing contact lenses. These eye care professionals possess expertise in the compatibility and safety of various eye drops, and their recommendations carry significant weight.

Tips for Safe Use with Contact Lenses

While TheraTears can be considered safe for contact lens wearers, adhering to best practices ensures a trouble-free experience:

  • Hand Hygiene: Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before handling contact lenses or applying eye drops. This step prevents contamination of both lenses and eye drops.
  • Lens Removal: Consider removing your contact lenses before applying TheraTears for optimal comfort. This allows the eye drops to work directly on your eyes without any lens interference.
  • Wait Before Reinsertion: If you remove your contact lenses while using TheraTears, wait a few minutes after applying the drops before reinserting them. This ensures the eye drops have time to work and minimizes the interaction risk between the product and the lenses.
  • Professional Guidance: If you experience persistent discomfort or adverse reactions when using TheraTears with contact lenses, consult your eye care professional. They can provide personalized guidance and recommend alternative products if necessary.

Effectiveness of TheraTears

TheraTears is renowned for its effectiveness in relieving dry eye symptoms, regardless of whether you wear contact lenses. Its benefits encompass things like:

  • Long-Lasting Relief: TheraTears’ unique formulation helps maintain eye moisture, relieving dryness and irritation.
  • Mimics Natural Tears: TheraTears closely replicates the composition of natural tears, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a more natural and comfortable solution.
  • Preservative-Free Options: The preservative-free versions of TheraTears are ideal for individuals with sensitive eyes or contact lens wearers, aiming to minimize potential interactions.
  • Versatility: TheraTears offers a diverse range of products, including lubricating eye drops, gel drops, and single-use vials, catering to varying levels of dryness and individual preferences.


In conclusion, TheraTears is generally considered safe for contact lens wearers when used correctly, especially when opting for preservative-free formulations. Its compatibility with contact lenses and the endorsement of eye care professionals instill confidence in those seeking relief from dry eyes while wearing lenses.

However, proper hygiene and application guidelines are essential for the best possible experience. Ultimately, TheraTears’ effectiveness and safety for contact lens wearers make it a valuable option for managing dry eye symptoms. As individual experiences may vary, consulting your eye care professional for personalized advice is always a prudent choice.