Showing 51 Result(s)
athlete injured getting helped up

How to Prevent Injuries While Training

Getting injured is a constant concern for all athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Pushing your body too hard can be easier than expected, and often doesn’t even come from overexertion. Most sports injuries are caused by external factors, usually other players, and weather and surface conditions. Whether it’s getting tackled in football, not noticing a pothole …

How to Prevent and Treat Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are some of the most common injuries and in 2010, there were roughly 10.4 million patient visits to doctors’ offices because of common knee injuries such as fractures, dislocations, sprains, and ligament tears according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. While these injuries can be some of the most catastrophic, and life …

5 Ways to Beat the Flu This Season

With summer winding down, unfortunately it is time to begin thinking about flu season. Each year, influenza affects between 5% and 20% of the population and between 3000 and 49,000 people die from the disease. The flu is spread by having contact with an infected person or through the air when you are in close …

How to Wrap a Knee

Knee injuries are a common occurrence, and whether it’s due to a sports injury or just general wear and tear, the proper care and attention can make all the difference in recovery. One essential aspect of Knee care is the way in which it is wrapped. Properly wrapping the knee can provide support and stability, reduce swelling, and alleviate pain. There is a proper way to wrap a knee, and in this article, we will explore the steps to take to ensure that you’re doing it correctly. Let’s dive in and discuss how to give your knee the care it needs.

For a demonstration on how to wrap a knee with an elastic bandage, watch this video from ACE.

When wrapping the knee, it is important to start by applying a cold pack to the area using to limit the blood flow. This will reduce swelling and pain, making the knee easier to wrap.

  1. Begin by wrapping the upper calf just under the knee 2-3 times.
  2. Cross the bandage up diagonally from behind the knee.
  3. Wrap above the knee 2-3 times.
  4. Cross back down behind the knee to the start point.
  5. Wrap the upper calf again.
  6. Cross diagonally up again and finish the wrapping above the knee.
  7. Secure the bandage with the elastic clips or self-adherent
  8. Do not wrap the kneecap with the bandage.

Make sure the bandage is snug, but don’t wrap it so tightly that the bandage is causing discomfort or cutting off blood flow. The goal of wrapping a joint is to restrict, not completely disable, movement, this will help prevent further injury. Wrapping the knee too tightly will cut off blood flow, stopping the damaged tissue from healing, or even causing more damage. Wrapping around the kneecap will apply pressure in the wrong direction, causing more stress on the already damaged joint.  

Why Should You Wrap My Knee?

For minor knee injuries, wrapping a knee with a reusable bandage can be very beneficial by providing the joint with extra support. Depending on the severity of the injury, a bandage wrap can allow for an athlete to continue competing while reducing the risk of making the injury more severe or help provide support while the athlete is recovering. The bandage should allow a slightly limited range of motion while adding support to prevent further damage.

Ace Bandage Wrap

What’s Next?

If you have sustained a knee injury, talk to an athletic trainer or doctor to properly assess the injury, and discuss possible treatment options. Knee injuries are one of the most common sports injuries and can easily end athletic careers if not addressed properly. Knee injuries can range from slight sprains to complete tears of tendons and ligaments, which require extensive surgery and physical therapy. Bringing an injury to your doctor or athletic trainer’s attention will help you get back to competing or exercising as soon as possible.

Prevent and Care for Future Injuries

Don’t wait! Talk to your doctor and care for an injured knee as soon as possible. Knees especially take a lot of abuse throughout the day. The cartilage in the knee absorbs impact when doing things such as running or jumping. Many people opt to participate in “low impact” cardio exercises in order to reduce the risk, or advancement, of knee pain and injury, such as swimming, using an elliptical, cycling, yoga, Pilates, and walking. If you sustain a knee injury, consider talking to your doctor or sports trainer about creating a training plan based around low impact cardio.

A knee wrap and low impact cardio is a fantastic combination that will help you recover without losing your fitness.
